Johannes Maria Schmit
Ingrid Ung (Helsinki, Turku/Finland)
Víctor Mazón (Bilbao/Spain)
Lucy Steggals (London/UK)
Ein persönliches Statement von Ingrid Ung zu ihrem Aufenthalt im HAL Atelierhaus und darüber, was die help* Residency für den Residenten aber auch für die Community bringen kann:
"I'm interested in the changing fabric and possibilities of environment in Leipzig both in the built up and social landscape. I tend to walk a lot … to get a sense of the place and it's inhabitants. My inspiration come from the natural interaction and encounters. Every human is a teacher for me and a source of both discovery and change.
In HAL residency I enjoy the informal interaction with other residents and people working in the house. I value the natural built up of community in HAL and the spontaneous flow of events, meetings and work which I sense is part of the future …. small living sustainable communities in a more holistic/whole world."
I've taken part in the children's art workshops and figured there if we have forgotten the children in Finland … when we are supposed to be so effective … have bigger groups and do more. But do we really see and listen to each childs own unique identity and potential? Small is beautiful like the english writer E.F Schumacher write!
help* could be an artist residency without a fixed agenda or plan, where the artist immerse into community with his/her inspiration and creativity to socially sculpt a much more natural and flowing practice. In a time of sometimes ridicolous fixed conditions for applying to artist residencies like you have to be under 35, Black or a widow .. HELP could be an efora for artists to contribute to a more holistic and environmental and creative community without being focused on an outcome of object or things."
"I'm interested in the changing fabric and possibilities of environment in Leipzig both in the built up and social landscape. I tend to walk a lot … to get a sense of the place and it's inhabitants. My inspiration come from the natural interaction and encounters. Every human is a teacher for me and a source of both discovery and change.
In HAL residency I enjoy the informal interaction with other residents and people working in the house. I value the natural built up of community in HAL and the spontaneous flow of events, meetings and work which I sense is part of the future …. small living sustainable communities in a more holistic/whole world."
I've taken part in the children's art workshops and figured there if we have forgotten the children in Finland … when we are supposed to be so effective … have bigger groups and do more. But do we really see and listen to each childs own unique identity and potential? Small is beautiful like the english writer E.F Schumacher write!
help* could be an artist residency without a fixed agenda or plan, where the artist immerse into community with his/her inspiration and creativity to socially sculpt a much more natural and flowing practice. In a time of sometimes ridicolous fixed conditions for applying to artist residencies like you have to be under 35, Black or a widow .. HELP could be an efora for artists to contribute to a more holistic and environmental and creative community without being focused on an outcome of object or things."